If only love were as contagious as hate.

Someone said, “that people are afraid of love and use their watered down versions of it, hoping for a better result.” There are so many different reasons or excuses, but humanity as a whole needs to drill down and actually be able to accept the things neurobiologist, psychologists, and others are learning about the brain and the mind.

My take on it from reading so many books on psychology, trauma, narcissism, and neurobiology is this, people lack empathy and compassion. It’s either the way their brains are created in utero, how they have chosen to be, or how overtime from social constructs and cults they follow that have damaged their brains from lack of learning. That old term “people are stuck in their ways,” neurobiologists have learned is from them not doing brain building and being infinite learners their whole lives, it literally damages their brain and they become less and less capable of accepting change. If you aren’t learning something new, you aren’t using parts of your brain and eventually, their brains do not function properly.

If we don’t begin to heal what has been damaged by those who come before us, we will be more “animalistic” and less intelligent. There are far to many social cults in society that keep people in a fear state and deter them from learning and using their minds, that along with abuse and trauma have caused so much damage to the whole of humanity. We have to do the work to heal or the cycle will continue and eventually we will not only destroy the earth but each other.

Right and Left. Who Lacks Empathy?

The mind is a very powerful thing, but it can also be damaged a great deal. Long term abuse of it that is not met with mindful healing can create spaces in people that lack empathy. Being manipulated by a narcissistic persona for so long, people tend to pick up on its characteristics as well. One of which is a lack of empathy for those who do not submit to it, and allow it to control them. So, a weak mind that’s been damage from lack of brain building from reading the same thing over and over again, and remaining under control of said persona, along with the lack of empathy from years of mental and emotional abuse is what has allowed for our country to have a left and a right. It is the perfect cocktail for using fear mongering with selfish people.

One half cares about everyone’s wellbeing and the other only cares about their own.

When All You Need Is God

When all you have is God, you lose so much of your own humanity chasing a nonexistent deity and suppressing yourself. You lose more in a lifetime than you could ever imagine. Those spaces in my life when I was a Christian were stolen from me as I was indoctrinated as a small child. It was time I could have experienced being human and not living in constant fear, inner turmoil, guilt-ridden, pain, and suffering, all coated in God loves me and wants me to be this way or that, or I’ll burn in hell forever. While I was singing, my chains have been loose I was carrying the heaviest of them on my shoulders. A burden I should’ve never had to bear.

Little girl removed from school because her adopted parents are women. This happened after her parents both died.

“No hate like Christian love.”
I used to hear that all the time and it bothered me greatly. Reading the comments, it’s good Christians vs bad Christians. Not sure what denominational sect or version of that sect the school is other than Baptist. I can reflect on this with what I endured as a child up to young adult and hope that this changes for the better, but that would require that version of Christianity to change. As it does, it will fight against this and eventually either change or die off. Meanwhile, children will be hurt, abandoned, and abused by it. And the cycle continues. From Brahma to Inanna to Ishtar to Aphrodite to Zeus to Shiva to Jesus.


Cherry picking

I was a Christian, for 34 years, I was immersed in it from birth. I had to dig my way out of a seemingly mental black hole, I guess that is something to be proud of, most religious people don’t make it out alive (figuratively and literally speaking).

Cherry picking is easy for small minded, unintelligible, lazy people who lack critical thinking skills. Most religious people lack critical thinking skills when it comes to their own religion. There is a fail safe in religion that tells you to never question your own, but you can question the other 4,000+ gods that are worshiped under different religions that exist today.

Wisdom tells you to question everything and be sure of what you follow.

This was posted as a joke, but in reality men need to “man up.”

Can we honestly blame them? Am I the only one who has sat down with my female friends and actually talked to them about how they feel and LISTENED to what they are saying? You all might actually find that the reason they are tired of men has a lot to do with how men are and how they treat women. What I have learned is, that it has a lot to do with emotional immaturity, laziness and unwillingness to be an actual partner in a relationship, misogyny, and not treating women as equals.

Men need to change their perspective, old ways of thinking and misogynistic actions and words are not okay and women have become aware of their mistreatment by men overtime. They now have the ability to actually stand up for themselves.

It’s our job as men, to learn to be more emotionally intelligent and to treat women as partners. Men can use the excuse all day, that they have lost their sense of purpose, but that’s just pure bullshit. It’s because men want to control and rule over women with misogyny and think that women should be doing all the “woman’s jobs and things” around the house. Your purpose is to be a partner to women, if you are in a relationship with a woman. I help my gf clean up, wash dishes, and put away clothes, or whatever else she needs, when I am at her place. She’s a single mom and that’s a tough job for anyone to be a single parent. Even still, no woman or a single person in a relationship should be responsible for cleaning, caring, cooking, hauling, and nurturing the entire relationship while a guy (or partner) kicks back in the recliner or on the couch. Women are effing tired of that shit and rightfully so. Men need to grow up, educate themselves, and stop being pansy ass momma’s boys when it comes to helping around the house and treat women as equals.

If there is no god, why do atheist talk about him so much?

Someone asked this question and this is my response to that.

I speak on religion and god, because with over a decade of research, being a Christian for 34 years of my life, researching psychology and going to therapy, and study many aspects of religions and gods, I’ve recognized that most all god personas are narcissistic and they cause a tremendous amount of trauma and abuse to the human psyche. This in turn also causes damage to the physical body, since our bodies tend to carry the trauma we experience. Not to mention, there are 4,000+ gods worshiped today and many thousands that humanity created and killed off long before today’s religions were even contrived by the human mind. It’s not logical to follow any of them if you actually use critical thinking to analyze your own religion and others.

Leaving the Fold by Marlene Winell, Ph.D.

If you are recovering from religion and trying to heal, even if it’s been a while since you left, this book could be really helpful. What I’ve read so far has outlined what I’ve gone through and it helps to know I’m not alone. It’s brought some things to light and I can absolutely relate to some of the things others have gone through. I think this will bring more healing my way, by the time I am done with it.

More peace, self acceptance, and self love is in my future. I’m still learning what it’s like to experience being human, and so far when with all the hell I’ve faced with every I lost with my marriage and leaving religion, it’s so much better than what I could have imagined when I first realized what I was taught growing up was flat out not true. (Everyone has their journey, this is mine.) it’s made me realize how incredibly strong I am, because I got through 34 years of my life thinking I had a helper along the way with me 24 7. It’s empowering realizing it was just me, all along and I got through all of that, my self. I had some human assistance a handful of times that I’d probably not be here if they had not loved me the way they did in those moments. I had far more humans working to hurt me than help me, but again, I got through that shit, ME.

The human mind reaction to Madonna’s article about biopic.

I remain intrigued by the human mind.

I came across a post about Madonna and her biopic, it mentions her not wanting misogynistic men to make it. There are a variety of comments. Some women and men recognize what she’s done for music and art and how she broken barriers, the ways that she’s empowered women throughout her career. Others, have so much jealousy, or they envy her, or hate her no matter what she’s done. Then there are the misogynistic men that always seem to have an opinion about everything a woman does that like to degrade them.

Why can’t humanity appreciate the differences in people? Why is there so much hate. I get that not everyone will like certain types of music or songs, but saying someone is irrelevant when that same someone has made a huge impact with music, art, and women empowerment, I’d guess is the sign of envy or small minded thinking.

I will not be around to see if this happens or not, because there is so much damage to the human psyche in general, that needs to be healed. We are learning to be better humans instead of remaining in old ways of thinking and being severely destructive animals like in the past. Yet, I imagine there will always be cruelty, because of the imperfect and flawed possibilities in human brain development as a fetus and once we become a living breathing child. Nature vs nurture impacts will likely always be a thing, unless scientists can come up with ways to keep the fetal development from having any damage to the brain. That would possibly be the only way that narcissism would be eradicated or reduced from the face of the earth. If they can reduce that, there will be less psychopathic and sociopathic people. The world would be a much better place without them.

On Tyranny

If you care about democracy in this country (United States), republican, democrat, or other, doesn’t matter. You need to read this book. It’s is very small and very to the point like cliffs notes of our history and the history of this world politically speaking.

Seeking truth through religious history, psychology, and history.