Ignorance vs Wokeness

I have been listening to an attorney go through the indictments and simply just explain how the law works and what everything means, to try and help people who don’t understand the law, learn how it works. She refuses to say whether she’s Democrat or Republican, or how she leans politically she simply wants to teach people how the law works. There are so many Republicans that come in this room to chat and say stupid shit, they don’t try to listen or learn. She even gives references on different things you can read or download to follow along. She gives everybody the knowledge of where you can get the indictments because they’re available to everyone on a government site and I believe some news sites have links to them as well.

In the book I’m reading by Bob Woodward, called Fear. He explains through multiple people in his own staff that Trump is the exact same way. There is no willingness there to listen or learn, or to admit that he is wrong about things. The sad reality here is that they will continue to be easily swayed and manipulated by people who or not going to attempt to do things to be helpful to them or any of us. They will remain ignorant and unaware of this, because they refuse to learn. In this they are also hindering the rest of us from moving forward and having better policies and laws for everyone, that is an American. Until these people die off or something happens to them to make them choose to learn, our country is going to be at a crux, at least that is the only sense that I can make of all this.

It is also very possible that they will never learn because they have gone so long without learning new things, which cause changes in the neural pathways in their brains and creates new neural pathways to keep their brain healthy. It’s likely that their brains are actually damaged and they are incapable of learning, new things and accepting changes.

It’s not about Democrat and Republican it’s about ignorance and wokeness. This is why they repeatedly speak against wokeness. If you remain ignorant, they remain in power, and they continue to manipulate you, keep you and I struggling, and make money off of us. This is the sad reality of our country, those who remain ignorant make us weak as a country.

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