Tag Archives: mental health

Parenting Mistakes of The Past

If only I’d known then what I know now, I’d never have once spanked any of my girls. I wish this knowledge had been available back then.

None of us can take back our parenting mistakes of the past, but we can love our kids and help educate them to be better than ourselves as parents and humans in general in the future. The more we learn about the human mind, the better we can become as humans, minus narcissistic people. It is possible, that even some of them may be able to get help if they have the slightest will to be a decent human and they make an effort to get help for their mental state. I do understand that some narcissistic people are born with a narcissistic brain, but others have acquired narcissism from a lack of nurturing. The more that we learn about the human brain, and can heal from our traumas, therefore not passing them down to our children, the less likely we will have narcissistic people that acquire narcissism from lack of nurturing, or abuse.

Healthcare for all has to be implemented soon, in America. Other countries are doing it and thriving. If America does not do this at some point soon, we will crumble as a society, and be mentally, emotionally, and physically weak in comparison to those in the rest of the world. That is if we don’t already appear to be so, but it is highly likely that we do and are because of the hate, willful ignorance, and damage that has been done by most of the older generations of our time. Religion has indeed been a driving force behind so much of this, and people who aren’t willfully ignorant are starting to become more aware of this as the world begins to see great declines in religion in countries that educate their citizens about history and as technology reaches across the world and more people have access to information.

Neuroscience and religion

Neuroscience research has found that reading the same thing over and over again outside of the initial learning phase, causes damage to the brain. In a normal learning brain, many neural pathways would be active and growing. When someone reads the same thing outside of repetition, for initially learning it, your brain does not create new neural pathways to keep it healthy. So, not only does religion create damage in the brain in that aspect, it also creates damage from trauma from a narcissistic psychopathic god persona. This trauma also damages the physical body from the amount of cortisol that releases constantly in the body throughout their lives, they basically remain in a fight or flight state internally. Followers are stuck in a continuous trauma bond, basically endlessly harming and suppressing their own human experience.

Why does Christianity connect sex with sin?

It’s a form of control. It is something cerebral Narcissists also do to control their supply. Seeing that the god personas are narcissistic psychopaths, it’s just one of the many ways that it manipulates and controls the human mind and body. Suppressing one’s needs develops stress on the body and mind because it denies it, it’s natural processes. That’s why masturbation is considered sin and sex before marriage, or without the purpose of procreation is considered sin, although some people don’t take it to that extent, others do.

This constant denial of a natural human need for the body, releases the stress hormones which control the fight or flight senses in the body and becomes a form of self abuse. Which in a narcissistic abuse cycle causes trauma to the body and mind over time. It denies the release of serotonin and endorphins in the mind and keeps high level of cortisol flowing which causes a consistent state of anxiety to be present.

In my opinion, Religion is the number one cause of trauma in children from a very young age, at least for those of us who have been subjected to it as children. Most all religious people live with high amounts of anxiety. The only ones that might not have it are those that are themselves narcissistic, but even some of them may still carry anxiety with them. There is a constant guilt, shame, fear, brokenness, anxiety, suppression, forgiveness, and love bombing cycle that you live in, if you are religious or in a relationship with a narcissistic human being. The constant release of cortisol in the body is likely why there are so many sicknesses in so many people.

What happens when love and hate collide?

When love and hate collide there is trauma involved. Be it with a empath and narcissist relationship or a human and a narcissistic god persona. Trauma is always the result. The slow covert manipulation of the hate that is endured, damages the brain. It is possible to heal from this, but it takes a great deal of time and effort. There is no neutralization of the two it’s like oil and water.

Love does not change hate. There has to be a willful desire in a hateful person to learn and accept change, in order to cause the hate in them to dissipate. In most cases if people are not infinite learners, it damages their brains from lack of use and they are unwilling to accept any change or new factual knowledge that comes before them. This is the case for most religious people. They are not infinite learners, they read or study or listen to the same text over and over again. This damage to the brain makes them easier to control and manipulate over time.

Bamboozled by religion

This was one of the most mentally painful things I’ve faced and the work rewiring my brain to reality was hard, but I did the work and I’m free from the anguish and abuse I endured because of it. I can actually logically, mentally, physically, and emotionally have real peace in my days now, because I no longer carry the extremely heavy burden I was give as a child. I realize that every thing that’s happened to me, that I got myself through, I did that, me, I pulled myself up time and time again. That is powerful, knowing I pulled through all those times that so much was suppressing me and working to hinder my growth, genuineness, and goodness as a human. My healing journey from all the damage is not over, but I’m beyond grateful to be where I am today. I have learned to love myself and take care of myself in a loving way, where I normally would have forgotten myself, to take care of others before taking care of my own well being.

Being a Christian vs being an atheist (my experience)

Someone asked this in one of my groups:
What does an atheist claim to see when holding a mirror to their mindset?

This made me think about how I used to feel and think and how I feel and think now.

What I used to see when I was Christian was a broken, sick, failing, struggling, worthless, unworthy, imperfect, felt like I didn’t belong anywhere, fearful, trapped, did not think I was judgmental but I was, person who was awaiting death to find freedom. The only beauty I saw was in something I was taught was there, but I could never see. I had moments I felt loved, but only when I felt I had asked for forgiveness for being me enough or tried to be someone I wasn’t enough which almost destroyed me many times.

What I see as an atheist is a courageous, beautiful, caring, compassionate, loving, kind, strong, worthy, patient, understanding, nonjudgmental (my judgment resides in a space for when people cause harm to other people and animals for unjust immoral reasons), healing, desire to experience being human, mentally and emotionally free me. I struggle, but my struggles don’t carry so much weight. I fail, but I keep trying and see that each failure is one step closer to success. I’m imperfect but now realize that perfection doesn’t exist, as we are all so beautifully unique. I see beauty in this world I never saw before. I see me!

If only love were as contagious as hate.

Someone said, “that people are afraid of love and use their watered down versions of it, hoping for a better result.” There are so many different reasons or excuses, but humanity as a whole needs to drill down and actually be able to accept the things neurobiologist, psychologists, and others are learning about the brain and the mind.

My take on it from reading so many books on psychology, trauma, narcissism, and neurobiology is this, people lack empathy and compassion. It’s either the way their brains are created in utero, how they have chosen to be, or how overtime from social constructs and cults they follow that have damaged their brains from lack of learning. That old term “people are stuck in their ways,” neurobiologists have learned is from them not doing brain building and being infinite learners their whole lives, it literally damages their brain and they become less and less capable of accepting change. If you aren’t learning something new, you aren’t using parts of your brain and eventually, their brains do not function properly.

If we don’t begin to heal what has been damaged by those who come before us, we will be more “animalistic” and less intelligent. There are far to many social cults in society that keep people in a fear state and deter them from learning and using their minds, that along with abuse and trauma have caused so much damage to the whole of humanity. We have to do the work to heal or the cycle will continue and eventually we will not only destroy the earth but each other.